Kamis, 27 April 2017

Makalah tentang Ekonomi Islam


A.          Latar Belakang
Islam merupakan agama yang kaffah, yang mengatur segala perilaku kehidupan manusia. Bukan hanya menyangkut urusan peribadahan saja, urusan sosial dan ekonomi juga diatur dalam Islam. Oleh karenanya setiap Muslim, Islam merupakan sistem hidup (way of life) yang harus diimplementasikan secara komprehensif dalam seluruh aspek kehidupannya tanpa terkecuali.
Sudah cukup lama umat manusia mencari sistem untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya khususnya di bidang ekonomi. Selama ini memang sudah ada beberapa sistem, diantaranya dua aliran besar sistem perekonomian yang dikenal didunia, yaitu sistem ekonomi kapitalisme, dan sistem ekonomi sosialisme. Tetapi sistem-sistem itu tidak ada yang berhasil penuh dalam menawarkan solusi optimal. Konsekuensinya orang-orang mulai berpikir mencari alternatif. Dan alternatif yang oleh banyak kalangan diyakini lebih menjanjikan adalah sistem ekonomi Islam. Karena sistem ini berpijak pada asas keadilan dan kemanusiaan. Oleh karenanya, sistem ini bersifat universal, tanpa melihat batas-batas etnis, ras, geografis, bahkan agama.
Pada bulan Oktober tahun 2008 Al-Jazeera TV, sebuah stasiun TV terkenal di dunia yang berkedudukan di Qatar, melakukan polling tentang sistem ekonomi yang dipercaya paling baik untuk diterapkan di dunia. Respondennya sebanyak 29.486. Polling itu berisikan pertanyaan “Setelah krisis keuangan global melanda, sistem keuangan apa yang anda percaya paling baik untuk diterapkan di dunia?” Hasilnya adalah 88,5% dari 29.486 responden menjawab sistem ekonomi Islam. Sedangkan responden yang memilih sistem ekonomi kapitalis hanya 5,0% saja, dan yang memilih sistem ekonomi keuangan komunis sebanyak 6,5%.
Sistem ekonomi Islam merupakan sistem ekonomi yang sangat baik. Sistem ekonomi ini tidak hanya di perbankan, namun mencakup semua sistem keuangan. Mulai dari perbankan, pasar modal, asuransi, hingga dana pensiun. Pasar ekonomi Islam di Indonesia sangat luas, hal ini disebabkan karena Indonesia yang mayoritas penduduknya Muslim, sehingga tidak diragukan penerapan sistem ini.
Perkembangan ekonomi Islam di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terkahir ini, baik pada tataran teoritis-konseptual (sebagai wacana akademik) maupun pada tataran praktis (khususnya di lembaga keuangan bank dan lembaga keuangan non-bank), sangat pesat. Perkembangan ini tentu saja sangat menggembirakan, karena ini merupakan cerminan dari semakin meningkatnya kesadaran umat Islam dalam menjalankan syariat Islam. Hal ini refleksi dari pemahaman bahwa ekonomi Islam bukan hanya sekedar konsepsi. Ia merupakan hasil suatu proses transformasi nilai-nilai Islam yang membentuk kerangka serta perangkat kelembagaan dan pranata ekonomi yang hidup dan berproses dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Adanya konsep pemikiran dan organisasi-organisasi yang dibentuk atas nama sistem ini sudah tentu bisa dinilai sebagai model dan awal pertumbuhannya.
Kendati perkembangan ekonomi Islam saat ini sangat prospek namun dalam pelaksanaannya masih menemukan berbagai kendala sekaligus tantangan, baik pada tataran teoritis maupun pada tataran praktis, baik yang bersifat internal maupun yang bersifat eksternal. Pada tataran teoritis misalnya belum terumusnya secara utuh berbagai konsep ekonomi dalam ekonomi Islam. Sedangkan pada tataran praktis belum tersedianya sejumlah institusi dan kelembagaan yang lebih luas dalam pelaksanaan Ekonomi Islam. Adapun dari aspek internal adalah sikap umat Islam sendiri yang belum maksimal dalam menerapkan ekonomi Islam. Sedangkan dari aspek eksternal adalah praktik-praktik kehidupan ekonomi yang sudah terbiasa dengan konsep-konsep ekonomi konvensional.
Kebangkitan ekonomi dan bisnis dibangun berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam telah menjadi fenomena yang menarik dalam dua dekade terakhir ini. Kesadaran untuk menghidupkan kembali sistem ekonomi Islam merupakan jawaban atas berbagai persoalan dan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh sistem ekonomi ribawi.

B.          Rumusan Masalah
1.        Apakah definisi dari Ekonomi Islam itu?
2.        Bagaimana perbedaan Ekonomi Islam dan Ekonomi Konvensional?
3.        Apa saja prinsip Ekonomi Islam?
4.        Bagaimana perkembangan sistem Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia?
5.        Apa saja kendala dan tantangan dalam penerapan sistem Ekonomi Islam?
6.        Apa saja strategi yang efektif dalam pengembangan sistem Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia?

C.          Tujuan Penulisan
1.        Mengetahui definisi dari Ekonomi Islam itu
2.        Mengetahui perbedaan Ekonomi Islam dan Ekonomi Konvensional
3.        Mengetahui apa saja prinsip Ekonomi Islam
4.        Mengetahui perkembangan sistem Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia
5.        Mengetahui apa saja kendala dan tantangan dalam penerapan sistem Ekonomi Islam
6.        Mengetahui apa saja strategi yang efektif dalam pengembangan sistem Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia

A Paper about Zakat


A.          Issue Background
Zakat is an obligation for Muslims who are used to help other people, stabilize the economy of society from the lower to the upper class, so that with the zakat of Muslims there is no oppressed because zakat can eliminate the distance between the rich and the poor. Therefore, zakat as one of the instruments of the state and also an offer of solutions to raise the nation from adversity. Zakat is also a primary worship that is required for the Muslims, but is intended for the benefit of the whole society.
Zakat is an important part of Muslim life. Even at the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq those who were reluctant to pay zakat were battled until they paid zakat. That is because the obligation of zakat is equal to the obligation to establish prayer.
Zakat is a worship that is used for the benefit of the ummah so that with the existence of zakat (both zakat fitrah and zakat treasure/maal) we can strengthen the ropes of brotherhood with fellow Muslims as well as with other ummah.

B.          Problem Formulation
1.        What is the meaning of zakat?
2.        How is the law of zakat?
3.        What are the conditions of zakat?
4.        What is the purpose of issuing zakat?
5.        What are the wisdom of issuing zakat?
6.        What are the divisions of zakat?
7.        Anyone who includes mustahiq zakat?
8.        Who are the people who are not entitled to receive zakat?

C.          Purpose
1.        Knowing the meaning of zakat
2.        Knowing how the law issues zakat
3.        Knowing the terms of issuing zakat
4.        Knowing the purpose of issuing zakat
5.        Know the wisdom about zakat
6.        Know the divisions of zakat
7.        Knowing who includes mustahiq zakat
8.        Knowing who is not entitled to receive zakat


A.          Definition of  Zakat
Zakat by language means clean, increase (ziyadah), and commendable. When spoken, zaka al-zar, meaning that the plant grows and grows. If pronounced zakat al-nafaqah, meaning a living, grow and grow if blessed. This word is also often expressed for the meaning of thaharah (holiness). Allah subhanahu wataala said:
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Indeed, the person who purifies the soul is lucky. (Q.S Asy-Shams 9)
According to Islamic law, zakat is a certain gift of certain property to a certain person according to the conditions specified. It is called Zakat because it contains the hope of obtaining blessings, cleansing the soul and accumulating it with goodness. The words of zakat, the original meaning is growing, sacred, and blessing. Allah's subhanahu wataala Say in Surah At-Tawbah verse 103.
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Take zakat from their wealth, to cleanse and purify them, and pray for them. Your prayers are indeed (growing) the peace of their souls. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat At-Taubah 103)
Zakat according to Islamic religious terms means the amount / level of certain property given to the right to receive it, with some conditions. The law of zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, namely fardhu ain on every person who is sufficiently requisite. Zakat began to be obligated in the second year of Hijriyah calendar.

B.          The law of Islam about Zakat
Issuing zakat is mandatory as one of the pillars of Islam. However, not everyone who owns the property is exposed to the obligation of zakat mal. About zakat, can be found in the Qur'an in 82 verses or places, as well as in the books of hadith. This shows how important the discussion of this zakat. The one who fulfills it will get the reward, while the one who does not fulfill it will be punished. The obligation of zakat has been established through the qathi (definite and assertive) arguments in the Qur'an and Hadith and has been agreed upon by the scholars. There are several conditions that must be met, whether related to the owner of property and property itself.

C.          Terms of Zakat
1.        Mandatory requirement of zakat
The mandatory requirement of zakat is as follows:
a.         People who are free
b.        Islam.
c.         Baligh and intelligent people.
d.        The property issued is the obligatory property for the zakat.
e.         Treasure for zakat has reached nishab or worth with it.
f.         Treasure for Zakat is full property.
g.        Pick up the treasure that has reached a year, according to Qamariyah year count.
h.        The property is not a treasure of debt.
i.          Treasures for charity exceed the basic needs.
2.        Legal requirements of the implementation of zakat
a.     Intention.
b.    Tamlik (transferring ownership of property to the recipient)

D.          Destination Zakat
1.        Elevate the poor and the poor and help him out of the hardships of life and suffering.
2.        Helps solving the problems faced by gharimin, ibn sabil and other mustahiq.
3.        Helping the weak and suffering, so that he can fulfill his duty to God and to his creatures.
4.        Expanding and fostering fraternal races among Muslims and humans in general.
5.        Eliminate the miserliness of the property owner
6.        Cleans the envy and envy of the hearts of the poor
7.        It brings together the rich and the poor in society.
8.        Develop a sense of social responsibility in a person
9.        Educate man to discipline fulfill obligations and surrender the rights of others who are there
10.    Means of equal distribution of income (sustenance) to achieve social justice.

E.          Benefit of Zakat
1.        Fostering yourself to always be grateful for the blessings and gifts of God.
2.        Nourish the treasure, reach the blessings, supplements and replace from Allah subhanahu wata’ala. As his said.
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Say: "Verily my Lord pours out the provision for whom He will among His servants and constrict for (whomsoever He will)". And whatever goods you spend, then Allah will replace them and He is the best giver of provision. (QS Saba '39).
3.        Cleansing of the nature of miserliness, envy, jealousy, arrogance and sin.
4.        Purifying possessions.
5.        Realize solidarity and compassion between fellow human beings.
6.        Foster and develop social stability and social justice. Based on the word of Allah subhanahu wata’ala in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 267,
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O people who believe! Spend some of your good works and some of what we spend out of the earth for you. And do not choose the bad and then you spend from it, but you do not want to take it away but turn your eyes against it. And know that Allah is Rich Being More Praiseworthy.

F.           Distribution of Zakat
In general, zakat is divided into two kinds, namely zakat soul (nafsh) / zakat fitrah and zakat treasure (maal).
1.        Zakat Soul (Nafsh / Fitrah)
Understanding of nature is the nature of origin, talent, religious feelings and temperament. While the zakat fitrah is a functioning zakat that returns the Muslim human nature of his nature, by purifying their souls from the impurities (sins) caused by the influence of intercourse and so forth. Zakat fitrah is the amount of property which must be fulfilled by every mukallaf and every person whose livelihood is borne by certain conditions.
Issued in zakat fitrah is the staple food (which fills) according to each place (country) of 3.1 liters or 2.5 kg. Or it could be replaced with money worth 3.1 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food to be paid. The staple food in the area of ​​tithe is like rice, corn, sago flour, and so forth.
From Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhu, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam has obliged zakat fitri 1 (one) sha from dates / wheat or slaves, free men and women, small children and parents from all muslimin. And he ordered to be expelled before man came out for the prayer ied. (HR.Bukhari)

Makalah tentang Ekonomi Islam

BAB    I PENDAHULUAN A.           Latar Belakang Islam merupakan agama yang kaffah , yang mengatur segala perilaku kehidupan ma...