Kamis, 27 April 2017

A Paper about Zakat


A.          Issue Background
Zakat is an obligation for Muslims who are used to help other people, stabilize the economy of society from the lower to the upper class, so that with the zakat of Muslims there is no oppressed because zakat can eliminate the distance between the rich and the poor. Therefore, zakat as one of the instruments of the state and also an offer of solutions to raise the nation from adversity. Zakat is also a primary worship that is required for the Muslims, but is intended for the benefit of the whole society.
Zakat is an important part of Muslim life. Even at the time of the Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq those who were reluctant to pay zakat were battled until they paid zakat. That is because the obligation of zakat is equal to the obligation to establish prayer.
Zakat is a worship that is used for the benefit of the ummah so that with the existence of zakat (both zakat fitrah and zakat treasure/maal) we can strengthen the ropes of brotherhood with fellow Muslims as well as with other ummah.

B.          Problem Formulation
1.        What is the meaning of zakat?
2.        How is the law of zakat?
3.        What are the conditions of zakat?
4.        What is the purpose of issuing zakat?
5.        What are the wisdom of issuing zakat?
6.        What are the divisions of zakat?
7.        Anyone who includes mustahiq zakat?
8.        Who are the people who are not entitled to receive zakat?

C.          Purpose
1.        Knowing the meaning of zakat
2.        Knowing how the law issues zakat
3.        Knowing the terms of issuing zakat
4.        Knowing the purpose of issuing zakat
5.        Know the wisdom about zakat
6.        Know the divisions of zakat
7.        Knowing who includes mustahiq zakat
8.        Knowing who is not entitled to receive zakat


A.          Definition of  Zakat
Zakat by language means clean, increase (ziyadah), and commendable. When spoken, zaka al-zar, meaning that the plant grows and grows. If pronounced zakat al-nafaqah, meaning a living, grow and grow if blessed. This word is also often expressed for the meaning of thaharah (holiness). Allah subhanahu wataala said:
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Indeed, the person who purifies the soul is lucky. (Q.S Asy-Shams 9)
According to Islamic law, zakat is a certain gift of certain property to a certain person according to the conditions specified. It is called Zakat because it contains the hope of obtaining blessings, cleansing the soul and accumulating it with goodness. The words of zakat, the original meaning is growing, sacred, and blessing. Allah's subhanahu wataala Say in Surah At-Tawbah verse 103.
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Take zakat from their wealth, to cleanse and purify them, and pray for them. Your prayers are indeed (growing) the peace of their souls. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat At-Taubah 103)
Zakat according to Islamic religious terms means the amount / level of certain property given to the right to receive it, with some conditions. The law of zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, namely fardhu ain on every person who is sufficiently requisite. Zakat began to be obligated in the second year of Hijriyah calendar.

B.          The law of Islam about Zakat
Issuing zakat is mandatory as one of the pillars of Islam. However, not everyone who owns the property is exposed to the obligation of zakat mal. About zakat, can be found in the Qur'an in 82 verses or places, as well as in the books of hadith. This shows how important the discussion of this zakat. The one who fulfills it will get the reward, while the one who does not fulfill it will be punished. The obligation of zakat has been established through the qathi (definite and assertive) arguments in the Qur'an and Hadith and has been agreed upon by the scholars. There are several conditions that must be met, whether related to the owner of property and property itself.

C.          Terms of Zakat
1.        Mandatory requirement of zakat
The mandatory requirement of zakat is as follows:
a.         People who are free
b.        Islam.
c.         Baligh and intelligent people.
d.        The property issued is the obligatory property for the zakat.
e.         Treasure for zakat has reached nishab or worth with it.
f.         Treasure for Zakat is full property.
g.        Pick up the treasure that has reached a year, according to Qamariyah year count.
h.        The property is not a treasure of debt.
i.          Treasures for charity exceed the basic needs.
2.        Legal requirements of the implementation of zakat
a.     Intention.
b.    Tamlik (transferring ownership of property to the recipient)

D.          Destination Zakat
1.        Elevate the poor and the poor and help him out of the hardships of life and suffering.
2.        Helps solving the problems faced by gharimin, ibn sabil and other mustahiq.
3.        Helping the weak and suffering, so that he can fulfill his duty to God and to his creatures.
4.        Expanding and fostering fraternal races among Muslims and humans in general.
5.        Eliminate the miserliness of the property owner
6.        Cleans the envy and envy of the hearts of the poor
7.        It brings together the rich and the poor in society.
8.        Develop a sense of social responsibility in a person
9.        Educate man to discipline fulfill obligations and surrender the rights of others who are there
10.    Means of equal distribution of income (sustenance) to achieve social justice.

E.          Benefit of Zakat
1.        Fostering yourself to always be grateful for the blessings and gifts of God.
2.        Nourish the treasure, reach the blessings, supplements and replace from Allah subhanahu wata’ala. As his said.
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Say: "Verily my Lord pours out the provision for whom He will among His servants and constrict for (whomsoever He will)". And whatever goods you spend, then Allah will replace them and He is the best giver of provision. (QS Saba '39).
3.        Cleansing of the nature of miserliness, envy, jealousy, arrogance and sin.
4.        Purifying possessions.
5.        Realize solidarity and compassion between fellow human beings.
6.        Foster and develop social stability and social justice. Based on the word of Allah subhanahu wata’ala in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 267,
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O people who believe! Spend some of your good works and some of what we spend out of the earth for you. And do not choose the bad and then you spend from it, but you do not want to take it away but turn your eyes against it. And know that Allah is Rich Being More Praiseworthy.

F.           Distribution of Zakat
In general, zakat is divided into two kinds, namely zakat soul (nafsh) / zakat fitrah and zakat treasure (maal).
1.        Zakat Soul (Nafsh / Fitrah)
Understanding of nature is the nature of origin, talent, religious feelings and temperament. While the zakat fitrah is a functioning zakat that returns the Muslim human nature of his nature, by purifying their souls from the impurities (sins) caused by the influence of intercourse and so forth. Zakat fitrah is the amount of property which must be fulfilled by every mukallaf and every person whose livelihood is borne by certain conditions.
Issued in zakat fitrah is the staple food (which fills) according to each place (country) of 3.1 liters or 2.5 kg. Or it could be replaced with money worth 3.1 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food to be paid. The staple food in the area of ​​tithe is like rice, corn, sago flour, and so forth.
From Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhu, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam has obliged zakat fitri 1 (one) sha from dates / wheat or slaves, free men and women, small children and parents from all muslimin. And he ordered to be expelled before man came out for the prayer ied. (HR.Bukhari)

a.    Required Terms
The mandatory requirements of zakat fitrah are as follows:
1)      Be Muslim.
2)      Born and lived before sunset on the last day of Ramadan.
3)       Has the excess of the possessions of the necessities of food for himself and must be endowed, either human or animal, on the eve of the feast day and day. Who does not have such an advantage, it can receive from others so that he can pay zakat and have food supplies.

b.    Times of Zakat Fitrah
Time to pay zakat fitrah is when sunset on the night of Eid al-Fitr. As for some time and the law paying zakat fitrah at that time is:
1)      Mubah, if the beginning of the month of Ramadan until the end of Ramadan.
2)      Wajib, if sunset at the end of Ramadan.
3)      Sunah, if after the Subuh prayer before the Eid al-Fitr prayer.
4)      Makruh, if after the Eid prayer but before sunset on Idul Fitri.
5)      Haram, if after sunset on Idul Fitri.
Zakat is obliged to be issued in the month of Ramadan before the prayer ied, while for those who issue zakat fitrah after the prayer is done then what is given is not including zakat fitrah but is alms, this is in accordance with the Prophet's hadith from ibn Abbas, he said,
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam obligate zakat fitrah as a cleanser for fasting people of vain actions and dirty words and as food for the poor yag. Therefore, whoever issues after the prayer then he is one of the usual shadaqah. (HR Abu Daud and Ibn Majjah)
Missing the payment of zakat fitrah to the end of the feast of legal holidays is makruh because the main purpose of happiness of the poor at the feast, thus if passed the payment lost half happiness on that day.
c.     The benefit of Zakat Fitrah
According to Yusuf Qardhawi there are two wisdom of zakat fitrah, is as follows:
1)        Clean up the dirt during fasting, because during fasting often people fall into words and deeds that are of no use and perform acts prohibited by God.
2)         Grow a sense of love for the poor and to the needy. By giving zakat fitrah to the poor and needy will bring them to the needs and joy, rejoicing at the feast.

2.        Zakat Maal (Treasure)
Zakat Maal (wealth) is zakat imposed on property (maal) owned by individuals or institutions with terms and conditions that have been established by law of Islam. Maal comes from the Arabic language which literally means treasure.
a.    Required Terms
In general, a person is obliged to issue zakat maal if already have the following conditions:
1)        Muslim
2)        Free people (not slaves)
3)        Perfect property rights
4)        Has reached nisab
5)        Have a period of up to one year / haul (other than plants and fruits).
6)        More than basic needs. The person who tithe should let the person who needs minimal / principal for his life fulfilled first.
7)        Free of debt, if the individual has a debt which, when converted into zakat property, results in the non-fulfillment of nishab, and will be paid at the same time then the property is free from the obligation of zakat.
b.    Kind of Zakat Maal
1)   Zakat Animal Livestock
All cattle are kept to be reproduced and have to nisab obliged to pay zakat. The reason is obliged to pay zakat livestock such as camels, cows and goats is because this animal is a lot of benefits.
a)      Terms of Zakat
·         Mandatory requirement of zakat livestock is the owner of Islam, reach nisab and has perfect one haul. As for transferring livestock in the wrong way then it does not eliminate its haul. And removing this animal is inscribed if it intends to escape from the obligation of zakat.
·         In livestock, the ownership is required for one year, if the ownership is lost briefly before one year then return again then the haul is disconnected and begins the new year.
·         The required livestock is a grazing animal.
In a camel that is shepherded on every number that reaches 40 camels, its zakat is 1 tail. (HR. Abu Dawud's)
·         Livestock required not working animals.
No zakat is required on cattle that are employed. (HR Thabrani, Abu Dawud, Baihaqi)
2)   Zakat Gold and Silver
Islam has instituted the obligatory zakat on gold and silver and something that connects both, money. According to Abu Zahrah, should be zoned and valued with money. Treasures are in a state mortgaged zakat levied on the owner of the property, because the goods are mortgaged remains a mortgaged property.
Zakat gold and silver that is if the time has been enough a year and has up to the size of gold it has as much as 20 dinars equivalent to 85 or 96 grams. While silver is 200 dirhams or 672 grams upwards, and each zakat is 2.5%. The words of the Messenger of Allah
If you have a silver of 200 dirhams and enough for one year then the zakat is 5 dirhams, and it is not obligatory to you that golden charity should you have 20 dinars. If you have 20 dinars and have enough one year, then the zakat is obliged to half a denarius.
3)   Zakat of the Earth's Produce (Grains and Fruits)
The zakat of food has been explained in the Qur'an which enjoins the Muslims to issue zakat on all the results issued from the earth like grains and fruits. Both are required to be paid if they meet the following criteria:
a)    Become the staple food of man
b)   Allowing to be stored and not easily damaged / rotted
c)    Can be planted by humans.
Nisab Zakat
Zakat is not required unless it has reached nisab. The nisab is 5 wasaq after the grain or fruit is cleaned from the stalks and stems. Rasulullah said,
No obligatory zakat on dates less than five wasaq. (Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Dawud)
Wasaq is a type of scale weighing 60 sha and this is the ijma of the scholars. While 1 sha is equal to 3 ritl. So the nisab of grain and fruit is 900 ritl. And 1 sha is equal to 4 mud, that is one hand coverage of ordinary people (not too big and not too small). For today, 1 sha is equal to 2.4 kg. So nisab seeds and plants are 5 wasaq or equivalent to 720 kg.
Except on rice and wheat and besides both are stored following the skin. So of every 2 wasaq must be added 1 wasaq, so nisab both become 10 wasaq. However, if the skin is cleaned, then the nisab is the same as the original 5 wasaq.
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And it is he who makes the gardens upheld and the unkept, the palm trees, the plants of various fruits, olives and pomegranates of the same (form and color) and not the same (taste). Eat from its fruit (that is all) when it bears fruit, and fulfill its right in the day to reap the rewards (with the giving to the poor); And do not overdo it. Lo! Allah loveth not excessively. (QS Al-An’am 141)

This verse affirms the existence of zakat for all crops, then zakat issued as much as 10% if fed with rain or river water in an easy way. But the zakat is only 5% if it is fed with water purchased or using wages.
Time of Zakat
No obligation to pay zakat except after harvesting. Because before that the grains are considered like vegetables that are not mandatory to zakat. Zakat on grain is not issued unless the seed is ripe, then picked and cleaned from the skin and dirt. Similarly, on fruits, zakat after cooking in the tree. If the owner of the tree is about to sell its fruits before it is worth harvesting so as not to be exposed to the obligatory zakat, then such is done because he escaped from worship. Nevertheless the law of sale and sale remains legal.
If the grains and fruits of one kind, then taken zakat of that type. If the owner issued a better type then it is allowed and of course increased also goodness. Whereas if he issued a lower type of quality, then it is invalid. If the fruits are affected, or stolen or lost, there is no obligation of zakat to the owner of the fruit.
4)   Treasure Findings / Paradise (Rikaz)
Etymologically, rikaz is something that is defined. Rikaz is gold and silver grown in the soil. According to some scholars, rikaz, the treasure that was discovered after a pent up in the past. And all the newly discovered mining objects either on land or at sea. If you find goods on the street or the mosque then it can not be said rikaz, but luqathah.
Terms of Zakat
·      Inventors are the ones who are required to pay zakat. That is a Muslim,
·      Where to find rikaz. There is no obligation to zakat on rikaz but if the inventor gets it on a land that is not inhabited by people. Likewise, if rikaz is found on land that is either his or in the area designated for him. So it puts the rikaz into his possession through that provision.
·      Sufficient Nisab. Nisab is 20 gold dinars (85 grams) or 200 silver dirhams.
·      Not required haul.
The obligation to pay zakat on the finding is every time one finds the item. We are obliged to issue zakat by 20% of the rices we find, when we find them. This provision is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet Muhmmad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam
Zakat rikaz (hidden treasure) is as much as one fifth. (Bukhari and Muslim)
5)      Mining Results (Ma’din)
Ma’din is where Allah subhanahu wataala created gold, silver, iron and copper. Zakat Ma’din is the zakat paid from the mine when a Muslim removes it from unoccupied land, or from a place that belongs to it. The legal basis comes from the Qur'an surah At-Taubah verse 35.
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On that day the golden silver is heated in the Fire of Hell, and then burned with them their foreheads, Stomach and their backs (then said) to them: "This is your treasure that you keep for yourself, So feel now (the result of) what you keep it . " (Surah At-Taubah 35)
Terms of Zakat
The requirement of zakat ma’din is the mining goods issued from the earth in the form of gold and silver, not apart from both. Thus iron, tin, gems, crystals, emeralds, oil and other zakat is not required. This is in the strong opinion set by Imam Syafii. Besides the requirement of zakat ma’din is the existence of goods have been found and has been issued. According to the most powerful opinion among the Syafii’s Mazdhab, no haul is required on the minerals. And this requirement is only for mining / ma’din only. As for the gold and silver which are the treasures of cash and have been printed differently and are required perfect one haul for its zakat.
6)      Commercial Property / Trade
The meaning of trade property is the property sold or purchased in order to gain profit. This treasure is not only certain on property, but all property is traded. The scholars agree on the obligation of zakat on the treasures of this handling. This is based on a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and Baihaqi.
"After that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam ordered us to issue zakat from the goods we provide for commerce

Terms of Obligation
a)    Treasure obtained with sale and purchase transactions. Where as if it is owned inheritance, will, grant, find and so it is not including merchandise, unless afterwards the owner sells / buys it
b)   Intention to sell / buy property. If you buy property and do not intend to sell, then the property is not merchandise.
c)    Achieving Nisab. The nisab imposed on this treasure is 20 dinars (20 grams of gold / 200 grams of silver).
d)   Perfect one haul. That Haul begins since the possession of trading property through transactions. If it has perfect haul, and the merchandise sufficient nisab then obligatory zakat. If not sufficient nisab then it is not mandatory to pay zakat.
Commercial property that has reached nisab and haul then issued zakat of 2.5%. If the haul period has been perfect on his merchandise then the profits are not sufficient for Nisab, then he is not obliged to pay zakat. Then when the price of merchandise up to reach nisab then he is not obliged to pay zakat until the second haul comes. For the first haul has been completed and he is not obliged to zakat. Not required to zakat until haul perfect.
7)   Zakat Profession.
It’s zakat issued from the income of the profession (the result of the profession) when it has reached nisab. The profession covers the profession of public or private employee, consultant, doctor, notary, accountant, artist, and entrepreneur. If his income for a year is more than 85 grams of gold and zakat is issued once a year of 2.5% after minus basic needs.

G.         Mustahiq (People Entitled to Receive Zakat)
Zakat fitrah and zakat maal must be left to eight groups. They are the ones that Allah says in the Qur'an.
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The zakat is only for the poor, the poor, the administrators of zakat, the mu'allaf whom they are persuaded, to (liberate) the slaves, the debtors, those who strive for Allah And for those who are on the way, as an obligatory provision of Allah, and Allah is All-knowing, All-Wise. (QS At-Taubah 60)
1.        Fakir
People who do not have a steady job and no one to bear the needs of daily life.
2.        Poor
People who have jobs but not enough income to meet their daily needs.
3.        Amil
People who take care of zakat, from collection to distribution to the rightful.
4.        Hamba Sahaya or Riqab
People who become slaves and can be traded.
5.        Fi Sabilillah
People who fight for Islam.
6.        Muallaf
The new convert and his faith are still weak
7.        Gharim or People who owe
8.        Ibn Sabil or the traveler
People on the way who are not immoral.

H.         Unauthorized Persons Receiving Zakat
As for those who are not entitled or should not get zakat is
1.        Unbelievers (only entitled to alms)
2.        The atheist
3.        Fathers, children, grandparents, grandmothers, mothers, grandchildren, and wives who become dependent people who are tithe.

A.          Conclusion
1.        Zakat by language means clean, increase (ziyadah), and commendable. According to Islamic Law, zakat is a certain gift of certain property to a certain person according to the conditions specified.
2.        Issuing zakat is mandatory as one of the pillars of Islam. However, not everyone who owns the property is exposed to the obligation of zakat mal
3.        The terms of zakat are divided into 2 terms of compulsory zakat and the legal requirement of the implementation of zakat
4.        One of the aims of zakat is to uplift the poor and help him out of the hardships of life and suffering.
5.        One of the wisdom of zakat is to nurture oneself to always be grateful for the blessings and grace of Allah.
6.        The division of zakat is divided into 2: zakat soul and zakat treasure
7.        Mustahik zakat is Fakir, Poor, Amil, Servant Sahaya or Riqab, Fi Sabilillah, Muallaf, Gharim, and Ibn Sabil or the traveler
8.        The person who is not entitled to receive Zakat is a Gentile, an atheist and a father, a child, a grandfather, a grandmother, a mother, a grandchild, and a wife who is dependent on the person with the tithe.


Ali, Muhammad Daud. 1988. Sistem Ekonomi Islam : Zakat dan Wakaf. Jakarta: UI-Press.
El-Madani. 2013. Fiqh Zakat Lengkap. Jogjakarta: DIVA Press.
Rasjid, Sulaiman. 2011. Fiqh Islam (Hukum Fiqh Islam). Bandung: Penerbit Sinar Baru Algensindo.

·         Http://el-syadii.blogspot.co.id/2015/05/makalah-zakat-pengertian-hukum-dan-macam.html?m=1 (Quoted partly on Sunday April 16, 2017, at 19:30 pm)

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