Kamis, 27 April 2017

Islamic Education As Media In Running Al-Quran Mission

Islamic Education As Media In Running Al-Quran Mission
slam is the perfect religion of the previously revealed religions. As a perfect religion of course the content and all the content that exist in Islam is very complete and there is no doubt in it. In order to run Islam is not arbitrary then Allah Subhanahu wata'ala sent one of his servants the prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam as akhlakul karimah. Then Allah also gives a grip to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam as a benchmark in the conduct and activity. The grip here is the Quran. The Quran is the perfect book of books that God had sent down before the Torah, Zabur and Gospel.
A.     Islamic education
Islamic education is the knowledge of Islam systematically arranged according to certain methods. Islamic education is an effective way of providing guidance and understanding to humans about how Islam really is, how Islam governs human gestures in living and interacting with society.
Islamic education is a process of guidance both physically and spiritually based on the teachings of Islam toward the formation of Muslim personality.
Along with the development of the era, Islamic education should now be more self-improvement in order to produce a new generation that has spiritual sturdiness, nobleness of morality, professional maturity and breadth of knowledge, in addition to also prepare themselves to meet the standards of employment needs.
Islamic education science is an applied science, that is applied from science or other disciplines especially philosophy, psychology, sociology and other humanistic sciences. As an applied science, the development of educational theory comes from philosophical, theoretical, empirical research in educational practice.
To develop the science of Islamic education required a philosophy-based basis as a basis in preparing a paradigm for the development of Islamic education. Philosophy that will be the development of the philosophy should be based on Islam.
1.        The purpose of Islamic education
Philosophically, education aims to develop human potential to the maximum. The potential given by God will not develop by itself without adequate educational support. So the orientation of education not only enter the physiological area, but also must penetrate the spiritual, psychological and ethical (moral). Purpose can be interpreted something that aspired in the future and want to be realized with various power and effort. The purpose of Islamic education is commonly seen from two kinds of perspectives, namely the perspective of human (personal) and the perspective of society (social beings). The ideal human perspective is depicted as perfect human (Insan Kamil), qualified human, superior human, pious man and so on. Whereas in the perspective of human being as a social being the purpose of education is formulated in the form of ideal society image such as: citizen, civil society, main society, and so on.
The main goal in Islamic education is for people to have a clear, whole and comprehensive picture of Islam. After knowing the purpose, then the knowledge has been obtained that can make a person that changes both in terms of appearance, attitude, behavior and charity so as to produce good morality. Morals is necessary and should be trained through reading practice and reviewing the Quran, evening prayers, fasting sunnah, relating to family and society. The more often he exercises, the more his charity and the easier he performs the virtue. In addition, exercise will deliver habits that eventually become a daily lifestyle.
From the opinions of various characters. So we can say that the goal of Islamic education is to form a healthy human body and spiritual and moral high, to achieve the happiness of the world and the hereafter, both as individual beings and as members of society.
From the Islamic educational objectives described above, in order for Islamic education to be implemented more effectively and maximally it is necessary to use integrated approaches, such as approach through normative philosophy, approach through historical analysis, and approach through scientific analysis of the reality of life Actual. The purpose of Islamic education is the continuation of a large mission that contained in Al-Quran and Hadith Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam
2.        Islamic education as media.
Along with the development of the times and the influence of foreign education and foreign cultures, it is very impact on moral and public behavior, especially for the Muslim community itself. At present the teachings of Islam have begun to fade and away from society, it is due to lack of religious guidance obtained by community groups. All they can afford is public education that is not based on the Quran and Hadith, by which many people are more familiar with public education than to understand how education is characterized by Islam itself.
Therefore, for the understanding of religion which is taught by Al-Quran and Hadith until in the midst of society, then this is where the importance of education that is characterized by Islam as media and connector of the teachings of Al-Quran and the real Hadith. But there are things that need to be considered in understanding the Islamic education itself, namely:
That although there are Islamic words in Islamic education, but the science of Islamic education is not Al-Quran or equivalent to Al-Quran. Whatever the case, the science of Islamic education is as a result of ijtihad that does not escape the error. Nevertheless, the science of Islamic education is neither liberal nor value-free. The science of Islamic education is the result of ijtihad that is guided by the teachings of Islam that comes from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Such guidance, among others, seen in the existence of the values ​​of the teachings of Al-Quran as mentioned above which became the principle of developing the science of Islamic education, and also become his character.
From the description above, it can be said that Islamic education is the right media in realizing the teachings of Islam in accordance with Al-Quran and Hadith to be easily accepted and understood by the community. By using the existing curriculum is expected character education taught in Islam can easily enter in society so that the goals and ideals of the Quran can be known and applied in their daily lives.
3.      How to implement Islamic education
In the process of implementing Islamic education as a medium in order to achieve the mission of Al-Quran itself, then there are some focus stages in implementing Islamic education among them are:
a.         It is reciting the verses of Allah well and truthfully.
b.        Tazkiyah purify themselves from the actions that are not good and deviated from the teachings of the Qur'an.
c.         Talimul quran wa sunnah namely the teaching of Al-Quran and Hadith
From the above activities, it is expected that the process of implementation and application of the teachings of Al-Quran itself can be applied within the community, especially in their daily lives.
Islamic education is more centered on 2 things that is how a person's understanding of Islam, then after understanding Islam and then implement it in its activities and always hold fast to the religion of Allah that is by following the entire contents of the Qur’an, as the word of God in surah Ali-Imran 3: 103:
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And hold on to the ropes of Allah, and do not divorce ... (Q.S. Al-Imran: 103)

From the above verse we can conclude that the truth only comes from Allah subhanahu wataala, delivered through His verses. If one wishes to obtain the salvation and happiness of the world and the hereafter then it must always follow and practice the content and content of the Qur'an and As-Sunnah.
B.          The Qur'an
The Quran is the word of Allah subhanahu wata’ala which is passed down through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel given directly to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahualaihi wasallam as a guide and guidance for all mankind, as Allah says in surah al-Baqarah 185:
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(The prescribed day is) the month of Ramadan, the month in which the Quran is derived as a guide for man and the explanations of the guidance and the distinction (between the right and the vanity). .... (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 185)

From the above verse Allah subhanahu wata’ala explains to us that the Qur'an is a guide and guidance for all human beings who believe that Allah as their god (Islam) and other non-Moslem (non-Muslim). Allah deliberately make the Qur’an as a guide for all humans in solving the mystery or knowledge that is in this universe so that people can use their common sense and think that everything that exists in this world there is creating that Allah subhanahu wata’ala that can animate and Deadly creatures. But it is unfortunate from the knowledge that they have had not make them believe in Allah subhanahu wata’ala. Their hearts have been locked as a result of their unwillingness to Allah subhanahu wata’ala.

1.        Mission of the Qur'an.
The education that Allah taught by through His Messenger is sourced to the Qur'an as a reference and approach so that with tarbiyah (education) will form a conscious society and make God as God alone. Al-Quran is the basis of activities and association for all people who claim to believe in Allah and His Prophets. Whoever does not acknowledge the existence of the Qur'an then we can say the person is a class of people who go astray.
If we read about the history of the decline of the Qur'an, then we can take three main purposes of the Qur'an, namely:
a.    Guidance of faith and belief that must be embraced by the human being implicit in faith will unity of god and belief in the certainty of the day of vengeance
b.    The guidance on pure morality by way of explaining the norms of faith and morals to be followed by man in his life individually and collectively.
c.    Instructions recognize the Islam Rules and the law by explaining the legal basis that man must follow in relation to god and his fellowman. Or in other words shorter, the Koran is a guide for all humanity to the path that must be pursued for the happiness of life in the world and the Hereafter.
In the Qur'an Allah subhanahu wata’ala has explained all things related to man since man is still in the process of birth until they leave this world. Allah revealed the Quran so that man can distinguish which is good and permissible by religion and which is forbidden by Allah subhanahu wata’ala. In this life God gives two ways for man whether they will believe and follow God or leave God and follow the invitation and temptation of demons. If they want to always get salvation from Allah subhanahu wata’ala then let them believe and follow the entire content and content of Al-Quran itself, but vice versa if they just follow their lust and distanced themselves from Al-Quran then they are including people who Losers.
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2. This Book (the Qur'an) has no doubt on him; Guidance for those who are pious, 3.  those who believe in the Unseen, who establish the prayer, and spend the portion of the Provision which We bestow upon them. 4. and those who believe in the Book (the Qur'an) that has been sent down to you and the Books that have been revealed before you, and they are sure of the Hereafter. 5. They are the ones who keep guidance from their Lord, and they are the ones who are lucky. 6. Surely the disbelievers are the same to them, you give warning or warn not, they will not believe. (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 2-6)

The main mission of the Qur'an itself is to be a guidance for mankind so that they may read the signs of the greatness of Allah subhanahu wata’ala, and become a guide to the salvation of the world and the afterlife for the believers.
Apart from the main mission above, Al-Quran also aims to make man as a creature who always fear Allah Subhanahu Wataala, always follow and do what he ordered and leave what is forbidden. If a servant can carry out both of the above, then Allah subhanahu wata’ala pledge salvation for him and as a gift from God for them is a heaven in which the rivers flow. Thus Allah explains His verses to man that they may be cautious.
2.        Implementation of the mission of the Quran
After we know how the mission of the Qur'an above, then we as conscious human, and sensible should apply all the teachings and commands that have been described in the Qur’an it. For all people who have long shelter under education that is characterized by Islam such as Madrasah, Pesantren and others must have known for sure how the implementation of alias of the actual application of the Qur'an and in accordance with the example given by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. But the question is again how with the layman who has not really know how the implementation and implementation of the actual mission of the Quran? Especially to apply in the life of society.
Therefore, the role and function of Islamic education is needed as a media channel and guide the community so that understanding of the teachings of Islam contained in the Qur'an and Hadith fully can be done well so as to produce servants who believe, cautious and charitable Pious and become a reliable generation of Islam by religion. In the case of the application of the mission of the Qur'an we are required to always try not to deviate from the teachings of Islam, and always try to run and implement all the rules that Allah has set us so that the practice of worship and our activities get grace from him.
The Quran is “Rahmatan Lil’aalamin”, the point being that the Qur'an is a grace descended by Allah subhanahu wata’ala for all mankind as a sign of God's greatness and compassion to all the creatures he has created. Perseverance of worship and always remembering God under any circumstances whether in happy or difficult conditions is one of the musts that must be done by every human being who has acknowledged that God is his god and Prophet Muhammad the messenger of Allah.
In the case of worship as Allah has explained in the Qur'an, which emphasizes to us first perform the worship. The important thing is that we eliminate the first obligation of worship so that we are not burdened with sin, the case of the acceptance of our worship is only the will of Allah subhanahu wata’ala. We only do our best and hope that our worship will be accepted by Allah and become our reward.
Indeed in the case of implementing this is a burden for all the people who do not know the nature and meaning of the implementation of worship that they do, so they think it is just something ordinary. If they do such a thing, they do not get any benefits and rewards the least of what they do. Therefore, we need to know the importance of the nature and meaning of the practice of worship, so that the worship we do can be accepted by God.

Article Analysis:
From the explanation of the above article on Islamic education as a medium in carrying out the mission of Al-Quran, from various discussions described there are some that I agree, including:
Islam is a perfect religion, with no defects and doubts in it, because the statement is directly conveyed by Allah subhanahu wataala in many verses in the Qur'an. So, as a good Muslim, we should make the Qur'an our life guide, because everything is complete in the Qur'an.
In addition to the Qur'an, Allah also gives us a signal that we always follow His prophet, that is Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam in all our actions and daily activities, because as contained in the verses of the Quran (QS Al-Ahzab : 21) that in fact it is in the Messenger of God that is a good example for us all as his people.
Islamic education at this time is indeed very necessary for every Muslim to always be able to strengthen the faith, bring Muslims to the real path of Islam according to Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, shaping the Muslim personality in accordance with Islamic Rules, and become a useful figure for religion, nation and state.
The purpose of Islamic education is also a fundamental foundation that we must keep guarding, because with us studying Islamic education, we will find the essence of Islam itself as a whole and as a bulwark of all kinds of life problems that we face, We who study the importance of Islamic education, then who else will do that.
It is undeniable that the present day Muslims have been at an alarming time, many slanders arise to destroy the unity of Muslims, many Muslims who have no good moral character, many Muslims who are far from the Koran and Hadith, And they assume that general education is perceived to have more interests than the interest itself. In explain various problems above, so many ways that can be done, one of them as in the article above is to make education of Islam as media in realizing the teachings of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith. So that we can awaken the importance of these two things as a guide our daily lives. The trick is to do teaching regularly and intensively about Al-Quran and Al-Hadith and can apply it by way of behaving commendable
And as a conclusion, then once again the need for a special study so that Muslims in this era can be awakened to return to Al-Quran and Al-Hadith as the only best life guidelines. Because in Al-Quran already there are various aspects of the field of life, starting from worship, behave, socialize, family, to trade (muamalah). And we also need to imitate and follow every word, deeds and decrees of our Prophet, who is Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, because he is an exemplary figure sent by God to us, who can direct us to the real meaning of life and to gain mercy from God.
Therefore, the only learning that fits all that is only Islamic Education, because with us studying Islamic education seriously, then we will be directed back to Al-Quran and Al-Hadith as the best guideline of life.
Indeed, sometimes found a variety of obstacles in studying Islamic education, especially for the layman and for people who consider Islamic education is not important. Therefore, the need for special strategies in teaching Islamic education to various types of people, such as to the laity, to small children, to parents and others. So that the essence and the essence of Islam is really delivered and can be realized in everyday life through Islamic Education itself.

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